Monday, May 23, 2011

Sickness :P

Hiiiiii I'm sick :P Getting better, but sick nonetheless.

I'm also not very good at keeping promises to blog more often haha. There's always an excuse (or more than 1), so I won't even go into that haha. Suffice it to say I will try to stick with my promise better in the future.

I think my problem is that I feel like I don't have anything to write about since I find my life to be fairly uneventful. But, I even said when I first started this blog that I wanted to do posts like Adam Young (from Owl City), and a majority of his posts are not from his daily life. Rather, he just talks (extremely creatively and fluidly) about random things like Choco Tacos. I will try and make a list or something in the next few days of random topics like that that I could just discuss without worrying about the boringness of my daily life :)

Basically, other than an awesome night of hanging out with Cindy and seeing Something Borrowed (... which would definitely make an interesting post.... hmmm) and another night of seeing my sister's high school chorus and band's spring concert - which was much better than I expected!! - not much has happened. I've just been continuing work at both of my jobs and then getting sick at the end of the week. Not sure if I caught this from one of the kids at the museum or from one of my coworkers at my other job who had been out sick at least 2 days last week :P Regardless....

Imma go to bed super early tonight though and do my best to get to the museum tomorrow. They really need me this week, and I feel horrible about not going today. I never got a reply email from my boss there today, so I'm hoping he came in today (he had a dreadful sinus infection last week), otherwise there is no way anyone knew why I wasn't there :P Oh well, I'll find out tomorrow I suppose haha.

I'll leave you with a poem written for graduates, containing life advice and general Green-ness ;D Congrats to all high school and college graduates, who have or will be graduating soon!!! I'm so proud of all the graduates I know (especially you Stew, since I know you at least read this xD)

Until next time... :)


  1. That cats makes me LOL, and your life is not boring! Wherever your creativity takes you, chica! :)

    Adam is a special case...if he wasn't so creative then i would think his songs were written by someone else xD :x

    Get some sleep tonight and hopefully you'll be better tomorrow!! And I'm sure your boss will be okay with you not being there. If peeps at both work places were sick and you got sick too...well you could totally blame them (though I advise you not to lmao xD)

    <3 you WUBS!

  2. Hahaha thanks for the poem and the congrats, Elyse XD I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Aww thanks guys hahaha. I think my boss was ok with me being gone- he actually wasn't there yesterday either haha xP Love you too Cindy! :D
