Thursday, June 30, 2011

A New Love (and an Exploration of Hypocricy)

Hiiiii :) Of course I realize that right after I posted about how I wouldn't be posting very often, I put down 3 new posts in the next few days... BUT my excuse is that it's been a very productive week in terms of finding awesome things on the internets!!

I just wanted to make this quick post to gush over my newest pianist love, Jon Schmidt and the creators of the Youtube channel ThePianoGuys. Jon is AMAZING!!! See below...

Seriously, how do people do that?!

Even more amazing (if that's even possible!!) is Jarrod Radnich's version of a couple of Harry Potter songs!

O_O Seriously?!?!? How is it possible for a person to play notes that quickly?!?!

Not only do The Piano Guys feature amazing artists ...

... but also, their cinematography is fantastic!!! (in case you didn't already notice...)

I think this one might be my favorite song/ video from them:

Ok, I'm done :) Enjoy!!! :D

Ok I lied, sue me :D Until next time....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blog Status

Well, I think this announcement is a long time in coming, but this blog is going to have to officially become a "once-in-a-while" type of thing. I'm just too busy to post as much as I wish I could. I'll still update periodically (with a goal of about once per week). It's just too hard for me to remember to keep up with this. Plus, as I've said before, I don't really feel like my life is interesting enough to frequently discuss here at length.

On that note, I've been trying to balance my two jobs well enough to earn some money and enough credit hours for my internship with the museum. Also, today, I experienced something that has never, apparently, happened before at the Children's Museum. A mother came in in the afternoon with only two kids, who turned out to be two of the most terrible kids I've seen at the museum so far. Not only did they scream (a lot) but they cleared out the General Store and Kitchen area of the museum, carried a majority of those objects (including everything on the top shelves of the store, which I still don't know how they reached without help from someone) and carried everything to the very top of the slide in the coalmine area. This is an even greater feat when one realizes that, before one can go down the slide in the coalmine, one must crawl through a series of switchbacking levels and climb up at least 3 sets of steep, ladder-like stairs. And, to cap it all off, the mother watched them do this, and then told me to my face that they did it


She wanted me to tell them to get everything out of the slide because they (shockingly) weren't listening to her. Then, they put things back. Which means they put everything where they felt like, leaving me and my coworker to put everything back where it actually belonged. The mother was completely satisfied with the "help" her kids had given us in putting things away.

Ugh. And my family still thinks I have an easy job there haha :P

Well, that's quite literally all that's happened to me since I last wrote, other than taking my sister to XC practice a few times (which is always fun :D). I haven't been feeling well for some reason the past few days (the heat? I dunno...) so I'm going to bed early again tonight.

I also feel then need to apologize for my overuse of parentheses in this post ;D

Here's a couple of Youtube videos I've recently favorited (two to make up for the lack of one last time ;)

I'M SO EXCITED FOR HIS NEW RECORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

This is one of the most creative/ awesome music videos I've ever seen. And I'm not a music n00b either :)

Enjoy! Until next time...

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hiiiii sorry for not posting- I've been so busy!! Well, actually I was sick for a while too haha, as I believe I mentioned in my last post. But I've been really worn out between working my two jobs too. I literally keep forgetting about blogging haha.

I just wanted to post because I've been reading Daily Cute and it's literally driving me crazy!! I miss my hamster sooo much, and she died 6 1/2 years ago now! :( The animals are absolutely adorable; they don't satisfy my desires for a fluffy rodent but increase them each time I visit the site!

This isn't my Chewey, but it looks just like her <3
Don't get me wrong, I love my dog dearly!! But I guess I still have a rodent-shaped hole in my heart <3

For a few days a few months ago, I literally when through a faze in which I was adamant about getting a bunny. I wanted one desperately and I even went so far as to look for breeders nearby. I wanted (and still want, thought not quite as much) a dwarf Hotot bunny :D

I also love the Lop-eared dwarf rabbits:

But seriously, I don't think I could live without seeing some cute animals every day, even if it's just my dog ;)

Libby pie :D

I apologize if I made your head explode from all that cuteness. Or your computer explode from all those pictures ;P

Until next time...

*Edit* I apparently just entered the wonderful new world of "hot linking" (which I've never heard of before in my life), so, sorry to those who I apparently hurt through this, and I will try and get the pictures I had on here back up momentarily. Thanks!