Well, I think this announcement is a long time in coming, but this blog is going to have to officially become a "once-in-a-while" type of thing. I'm just too busy to post as much as I wish I could. I'll still update periodically (with a goal of about once per week). It's just too hard for me to remember to keep up with this. Plus, as I've said before, I don't really feel like my life is interesting enough to frequently discuss here at length.
On that note, I've been trying to balance my two jobs well enough to earn some money and enough credit hours for my internship with the museum. Also, today, I experienced something that has never, apparently, happened before at the Children's Museum. A mother came in in the afternoon with only two kids, who turned out to be two of the most terrible kids I've seen at the museum so far. Not only did they scream (a lot) but they cleared out the General Store and Kitchen area of the museum, carried a majority of those objects (including everything on the top shelves of the store, which I still don't know how they reached without help from someone) and carried everything to the very top of the slide in the coalmine area. This is an even greater feat when one realizes that, before one can go down the slide in the coalmine, one must crawl through a series of switchbacking levels and climb up at least 3 sets of steep, ladder-like stairs. And, to cap it all off, the mother watched them do this, and then told me to my face that they did it
She wanted me to tell them to get everything out of the slide because they (shockingly) weren't listening to her. Then, they put things back. Which means they put everything where they felt like, leaving me and my coworker to put everything back where it actually belonged. The mother was completely satisfied with the "help" her kids had given us in putting things away.
Ugh. And my family still thinks I have an easy job there haha :P
Well, that's quite literally all that's happened to me since I last wrote, other than taking my sister to XC practice a few times (which is always fun :D). I haven't been feeling well for some reason the past few days (the heat? I dunno...) so I'm going to bed early again tonight.
I also feel then need to apologize for my overuse of parentheses in this post ;D
Here's a couple of Youtube videos I've recently favorited (two to make up for the lack of one last time ;)
I'M SO EXCITED FOR HIS NEW RECORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
This is one of the most creative/ awesome music videos I've ever seen. And I'm not a music n00b either :)
Enjoy! Until next time...
It's okay about the blogging thing - two jobs is A LOT. I do hope you feel better and WOAH. Brats much? : (
ReplyDeleteThis is when I blame parenting. On the head.
And I still think your life/thoughts/musings are interesting! Idk how I have anyone following me beyond you and Stew. Lol. I'm mundane, Elyse. But life is life and it's supposed to be good that way. :)
I really don't know how people do double jobs. I could barely manage school with papers. So kudos to you!
ReplyDeleteThe children...oh Lord. I won't even start on that.
And I agree with Cindy, your life is definitely interesting enough to write about! :D
Aw thanks guys! I just really wanted it to work :/ I never thought my summer would be busier than the school year either! :P
ReplyDeleteHaha yeah those kids were sure something :P And the mom, whew! I hope I don't meet too many more like her, although I can safely say I've already seen a huge variety in parenting styles down there...
Haha well thank you both for finding my life interesting! xD And no you are not mundane Cindy!! I love your posts, and their frequency!! :D