Monday, May 30, 2011


****Please excuse the below ramblings as they are not the coherent thoughts of a healthy, well-rested individual.****

This picture reminds me of a creepy version of one of my favorite childhood board games: Don't Wake Daddy.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii peoples. I cannot sleep. So I'm on my laptop. Probably waking myself up more with the persistent glow of my computer screen and the street lamp light outside my window, but still. Usually this wears me out... in an hour or so 0_0

I'm honestly not sure why I don't feel tired. I need my rest, I'm still sick, but I guess the lack of activity today is coming back to bite me....

WHOA I JUST SAW A BAT FLY BY MY WINDOW!!!! I love bats. They eat mosquitoes, which eat me. A lot.

This is an adorable little bumblebee bat. I think they actually live near me too :D
But yeah, did I mention I'm still sick? The moment I tried to lay down I got an annoying tickle in my throat, thereby causing me to feel the need to clear it every 2 seconds or so :P THAT compounded with an incredibly warm and muggy night create my current situation.

I feel like I'm creeping on my neighbors or something, but since I got out of bed (about 15 min ago or so) I've seen them leave in one car, then leave in another, and come back in the first. Odd. Whateverrr.

I'm currently listening to Chopin. I only have a few songs from him -- I need to buy the rest of this album on iTunes -- but I love it :D It's not very good sleep music though... oops :}

There was something I thought of talking about earlier and now I can't remember what that was.... oh well. Another topic that is highly discuss-able is the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie!!! :D

I saw it yesterday and It was pretty darn good if I may say :D It was really weird not to have Orlando Bloom Or Keira Knightley in it, but it was still pretty good. It turned the attention back to Jack, which in itself was refreshing. It was pretty much  everything you'd expect from the third sequel of an awesome Pirate movie. I dunno, I feel like I have to let it settle in for a little longer before I can make a proper judgement about it.

By the way, how do you spell the word "judgement"? I learned in whatever grade it was a spelling word for that the first "e" was optional: acceptable either way. However, when I try to type it with the "e" in the new Microsoft Word (which I only experienced for the first time on my laptop fall of '09), it says it's wrong! It makes me feel out of date or something :P

Word to yo motha. Fo shizzle.
Ummmmm ok I'd say that's enough senseless rambling for one night. On to other internet-tastic adventures!! :)

OH and going with the Pirates theme, here's a rap for Captain Jack Sparrow. It's actually rather good in my opinion... *nods head to time of music*

Until next time... :D

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sickness :P

Hiiiiii I'm sick :P Getting better, but sick nonetheless.

I'm also not very good at keeping promises to blog more often haha. There's always an excuse (or more than 1), so I won't even go into that haha. Suffice it to say I will try to stick with my promise better in the future.

I think my problem is that I feel like I don't have anything to write about since I find my life to be fairly uneventful. But, I even said when I first started this blog that I wanted to do posts like Adam Young (from Owl City), and a majority of his posts are not from his daily life. Rather, he just talks (extremely creatively and fluidly) about random things like Choco Tacos. I will try and make a list or something in the next few days of random topics like that that I could just discuss without worrying about the boringness of my daily life :)

Basically, other than an awesome night of hanging out with Cindy and seeing Something Borrowed (... which would definitely make an interesting post.... hmmm) and another night of seeing my sister's high school chorus and band's spring concert - which was much better than I expected!! - not much has happened. I've just been continuing work at both of my jobs and then getting sick at the end of the week. Not sure if I caught this from one of the kids at the museum or from one of my coworkers at my other job who had been out sick at least 2 days last week :P Regardless....

Imma go to bed super early tonight though and do my best to get to the museum tomorrow. They really need me this week, and I feel horrible about not going today. I never got a reply email from my boss there today, so I'm hoping he came in today (he had a dreadful sinus infection last week), otherwise there is no way anyone knew why I wasn't there :P Oh well, I'll find out tomorrow I suppose haha.

I'll leave you with a poem written for graduates, containing life advice and general Green-ness ;D Congrats to all high school and college graduates, who have or will be graduating soon!!! I'm so proud of all the graduates I know (especially you Stew, since I know you at least read this xD)

Until next time... :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hiiiii :) Sorry for not posting again hahaha, but I had a surprisingly busy week!! Everyday when I came home I just wanted to lay around lol. I should have exercised more, but oh well. I did run a couple of times earlier in the week, so that was good. And I've been doing some sit-ups and my hip exercises too, so those should slowly help given time.

I went back to work this week after taking last week off as a break. It was nice to be back at my one job at my dad's engineering company (he doesn't own it or anything... but... ya know haha). It felt like I never left! The worst part is they have less for me to do than ever :P And I don't even have a place of my own to put my stuff or anything! I feel homeless when I have to walk around with my bag haha :P I usually just put it in my dad's office though.

I also started working at my new internship! It's at my town's local children's history museum, and with the local heritage association. There are 2 other interns too, and we are all from different colleges. It's really fun to work with the kids who come through, although it can be very hectic too! The days I worked there this past week were days when large field trip groups came. I read a story to the kids and then they planted seeds in newspaper pots. It was great to see so many eager learners! On Wednesday though, my first day, I was unexpectedly told to do this project outside! There's a cute little garden of native plants and such up there, but since I hadn't put sunscreen on and it was a beautiful sunny day, I got burned :P Not badly though, thank goodness! I hate peeling off sunburns :P

I worked at the museum earlier today too (first time ever working a job on a Saturday! So weird!), but there were not field trips. Instead, families were taking their kids through the museum. One little girl must have been told that she and her family were going to the Children's Museum, because she came over to me saying "Hi!! I'm a child!!" She was adorable :D

Not much else to say... I guess I'll leave you with another video that made me laugh this week :D (I think you'll thoroughly enjoy this one Stew ;D)

Until next time... :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm a Bum ^_^

Sorry for the lack of posting (I think I open all my posts with this....). I was just really busy with finals, and then I decided to take it easy this week (instead of getting all the work done cleaning up my room that I had been planning to do for months...). But I have had a nice week, mostly consisting of playing video games, pleasure reading, and texting my friends from school, whom I miss terribly already!!! <3

Cindy and I went adventuring on Tuesday though. It was quite fun :D We found a little waterfall a short ways up a random trial. One of our friends even spotted us from his school bus as it drove up the busy road high above us hahaha.

Stolen from Cindy :) This is most of the waterfall
Afterwards we went to a little coffee shop and we got cool drinks -- which wasn't that good of an idea since it was really not all that warm out haha.

I really don't have much to talk about... I start work again on Monday, and I have an interview for my internship on Tuesday. I hope to get my haircut soon, although I think I might grow it out at least a little more. It needs cleaned up though; it hasn't been cut since last August!

Sorry this is so boring :} I'll post a funny video below to make up for it. Thanks for reading though!!

Until next time... :D