Saturday, March 5, 2011

Well hello again!

I know, this post is probably the closest consecutive post I have ever done! Scary stuff right? I guess I'm getting hooked on blogging :D

That's actually a really large hook considering the scale

Or maybe I'm just bored xD

Ahh this break has gone by so quickly! I don't want it to end! Especially since I still have a lot of stuff to do :P haha. I did finish a lot of what I needed to get done earlier, but I just wish I had more time to relax haha. I think it'll be nice to be back at school too. I miss my roommie! :) Plus I want to get more stuff done with the TOMS Campus Club that I want to start at my school (:D) and I also need to work on a speech of some kind to give in front of the History Club since I'm running for V.P. or Treasurer. Wish me luck! I'm nervous about it haha :P I've never actually run for anything before.

"Ashamed walrus is ashamed."

But why not start now?! I never had much ambition in high school, but I think that was mostly due to the fact that there was nothing that I was particularly motivated to lead. Sure I thought about going for some club positions, but I thought I had enough on my plate with everything I was doing, and I really did. It would have been too much work back then and I would have been stressed out of my mind. Not that I'm saying that won't happen to me in college, but I feel that the risk is much more worth taking now. I'm already stressed out of my mind, at least at times, so why not add a little more work?! ;D

Gah, well I literally was planning on making this post about Tony, but the post sort of took on a mind of it's own haha. I'm tired anyways and I better get to bed. I'm going to have to wake up earlier tomorrow than I have all week- about 9 o'clock!! *GASP!!!*

Enjoy some real live Mario Kart; one of my favorite video games :D

Until next time (which will almost definitely be a post about Tony!!) .... :)